2010- Pam Hills with daughter and new student, Amandine, Belgium.
2009-Pam Hills with her daughter Cassidy on the right and German daughter, Mirijam on left.
Cultural Homestay International has wonderful Host Families.
Here is an interview with Pam Hills from Detroit, Oregon. The Hills family is hosting Mirijam from Germany this year. Mirijiam attends Santiam High School in Mill City.The Hills family is a wonderful role model for our students and other host families. They are a very flexible, loving, kind and open family with the students. We all know bringing one more
person into the equations of a large family changes the dynamics considerably. This is one host family that does it very well.
CHI: Pam how many years has your family hosted?
Host Mom Pam: We have been hosting since 2002
CHI: How many students both short term and Academic Year?
Host Mom Pam: We prefer to do the 10 month students. We are on our 11th one and have one picked for next year.
CHI: What countries?
Host Mom Pam: Italy, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Spain and Slovakia
CHI: Why did you start to host and why do you continue?
Host Mom Pam: I was always interested in hosting because when I was in high school some of my friends hosted. I also lived in Italy when I was young so thought it would be fun to have a student from Italy. Also in our small town there are not many girls. Having 3 sons and 1 daughter made us realize that by hosting, our daughter could have a "sister."
CHI: What is the most your family has learned by this experience?
Host Mom Pam: I think as a family we have learned how to be more giving and patient. We have also learned about different countries first hand instead of in books
CHI: What advice do you give to other families considering hosting an exchange student?
Host Mom Pam: I would tell then to try it at least once! Everyone thinks it is somuch work but it isn't. Most of the time the students are very responsible and mature. Another misconception is that they don't have time because they are a busy family. We are all busy in our family and have found that having an exchange student doesn't burden us....It enriches our lives!! If we can do it, anybody can do it!!
CHI: How has your Academic Coordinator helped you? (It has been Becky right?)
Host Mom Pam: Becky has always been available anytime of the day or night. She is a great Coordinator!! She wants to make sure that the families and the students have a great experience! She works hard to make that happen by keeping communication open. We are grateful for all of her knowledge and upbeat attitude!!
CHI: What problems seem to be the most repetitious among the students you have hosted in adjusting to the homestay?
Host Mom Pam: To be honest we have not had alot of problems with kids adjusting..We make sure to let them know when they first arrive that they can always come and talk to us no matter what. We try to encourage them to get involved with sports in school so they keep busy.
CHI: Have you alway hosted girls?
Host Mom Pam: We have always had girls only because we already have 3 boys.
CHI: What benefits do you believe the school has experienced?
Host Mom Pam: Santiam High School has always embraced exchange students! I think that the students at our high school have learned about the different cultures and are always excited to meet the exchange students when they arrive. There is a wonderful women at school, Miss Gillespy, that is always so wonderful to the exchange students!! She helps make them feel very welcome and her door is always open to them.
CHI: As your family has gotten older what do your children say about the early years of hosting?
Host Mom Pam: Having exchange students have helped our kids to open up and not be so shy. They have formed wonderful bonds that will stay with them all their lives. It was also great for them to have homework help!!
CHI: What has CHI done right in helping the homestay process?
Host Mom Pam: CHI is a wonderful program. I think it does and great job and seems to function smoothly.
CHI: What could CHI do better for you?
Host Mom Pam: Nothing I can think of....
CHI: Have you felt that through the years the students are coming emotionally, academically and physically ready for this homestay?
Host Mom Pam: I think that for the most part all of the students are well prepared when they come. The youngest one we had was 15 and we had some concerns at first ,especially about being homesick, but there was never an issue.
CHI: Do you feel comfortable contacting CHI for help when needed?
Host Mom Pam: We feel comfortable in contacting CHI.
And of course.....remember that the eyes tell you almost everything!!! = )
Thanks for all your kind words!! We have enjoyed our girls over the years so much...I never knew I could love so many kids!! I don't have a picture of my rose garden...and now would not be a good time to take a picture...sorry...thank you to all of you for all your hard work and caring about all the kids...it really is a remarkable program!!
More photos below with Mirijam and the Hill family.
Mirijam with Cassidy and Tanner showing off their Gingerbread House!
Mirijam, Sophie, Hills' exchange student from Belgium who was with them last year,
and Cassidy taking a day to shop in Eugene.