.....email Kathy Lawrence.... chikathy@chinet.org

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Visiting Silver Creek Falls
What an exciting, crazy, amazing and exhausting summer... did I say 'amazing'!   Seven homestay groups came through Oregon from July 13th to August 18th... But...I think most of the hard work came before the students arrived. Because of our ACs and friends that have a love for CHI, every student was placed with a  loving and caring Host Family....did I say it was 'amazing'!  Our ACs did a fabulous job... CHI thanks them.  Below you will find a a wonderful letter from Tina Wagner... and a very fun and funny video put together by a local TV station, CCTV. 

From Tina Wagner, TC and Host Mom
一个新的家庭类型。- A new type of family.
I was worried at first.  How was I going to communicate with a bunch of kids from another country?  What can I possible give to kids from China?  Well, let me tell you something.  It really wasn't what I could give, but what they gave to me.
I learned that no matter where you come from, love and kindness is the key to making it all happen.  God gave me strength that I didn't even know I had.  Patience when I was out of it.  Rest when I thought I would fall over.  And he expanded my heart to allow me to give more than I thought I could give.
Teaching students, hosting a student... What a new and exciting challenge it was.  I am now certain I have found something that we will continue to do for many years.  I don't know if I will continue to teach, but for sure I will continue to host.  As these students leave, we are currently preparing our homes and hearts to receive Aya from Japan on the 20th.  This will be a whole new world for us.  A student, a High School student at that, for a whole school year.  WOW...
Thank you Lord for this opportunity and privilege to share your love across borders in the only way I knew how.  I hope I impacted them enough...
To close I will use the words of my 9yr old son "I know I have a heart now, because it is broken."